Разговор с корисником:Till Kraemer — разлика између измена
(Није приказано 11 међуизмена 2 корисника) | |||
Ред 78: | Ред 78: | ||
: Thanks for the article! I added the [[Порнопедија|logo]]. Cheers, --[[Корисник:Till Kraemer|Till Kraemer]] ([[Разговор са корисником:Till Kraemer|разговор]]) 07:42, 21. јун 2014. (CEST) | : Thanks for the article! I added the [[Порнопедија|logo]]. Cheers, --[[Корисник:Till Kraemer|Till Kraemer]] ([[Разговор са корисником:Till Kraemer|разговор]]) 07:42, 21. јун 2014. (CEST) | ||
:Thanks, I saw it on Pool too. :) I also made an article on SR Wiki (http://sr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Порнопедија) but logo is not available on Wikimedia Commons, only on EN Wiki repository. --[[Корисник:Иван|Иван]] ([[Разговор са корисником:Иван|разговор]]) 16:57, 21. јун 2014. (CEST) | :Thanks, I saw it on Pool too. :) I also made an article on SR Wiki (http://sr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Порнопедија) but logo is not available on Wikimedia Commons, only on EN Wiki repository. --[[Корисник:Иван|Иван]] ([[Разговор са корисником:Иван|разговор]]) 16:57, 21. јун 2014. (CEST) | ||
:: Hi Иван, thanks a lot for creating the Pornopedia article on Serbian Wikipedia! It's really cool, that the Pornopedia article is available in 9 languages already. Maybe we can upload [http://pool.pornopedia.com/wiki/File:Pornopedia_%28Serbian%29.jpg this logo] to the Serbian Wikipedia? Thanks and cheers, --[[Корисник:Till Kraemer|Till Kraemer]] ([[Разговор са корисником:Till Kraemer|разговор]]) 11:28, 24. јул 2014. (CEST) | |||
:::No big deal, we can live without it, but I just saw that bastards on German Wiki in 2012. deleted article there! That's the bad side of all Wikimedia's projects… --[[Корисник:Иван|Иван]] ([[Разговор са корисником:Иван|разговор]]) 21:56, 24. јул 2014. (CEST) | |||
== Is everything all right? == | == Is everything all right? == | ||
Ред 85: | Ред 88: | ||
: Hi Иван, I'm so sorry I didn't reply to you earlier. I'll be moving to my new apartment on Tuesday and there is still so much stuff to take care of. Thanks for your patience and cheers, --[[Корисник:Till Kraemer|Till Kraemer]] ([[Разговор са корисником:Till Kraemer|разговор]]) 07:40, 21. јун 2014. (CEST) | : Hi Иван, I'm so sorry I didn't reply to you earlier. I'll be moving to my new apartment on Tuesday and there is still so much stuff to take care of. Thanks for your patience and cheers, --[[Корисник:Till Kraemer|Till Kraemer]] ([[Разговор са корисником:Till Kraemer|разговор]]) 07:40, 21. јун 2014. (CEST) | ||
::Is your new apartment in same place where you live now? Why do you need to move? --[[Корисник:Иван|Иван]] ([[Разговор са корисником:Иван|разговор]]) 16:57, 21. јун 2014. (CEST) | ::Is your new apartment in same place where you live now? Why do you need to move? --[[Корисник:Иван|Иван]] ([[Разговор са корисником:Иван|разговор]]) 16:57, 21. јун 2014. (CEST) | ||
::: Hi Иван, I was living with my ex-girlfriend and I moved to a smaller apartment where I used to live before I moved in with my ex-girlfriend. Cheers, --[[Корисник:Till Kraemer|Till Kraemer]] ([[Разговор са корисником:Till Kraemer|разговор]]) 11:23, 24. јул 2014. (CEST) | |||
== CSS styles, admin rights == | == CSS styles, admin rights == | ||
Ред 92: | Ред 97: | ||
: I just added [[Медијавики:Common.css]]. If you need anything else, please let me know. I also gave you администратор rights, if that's not okay for you, please let me know. You may want to edit the [[Медијавики:Sidebar|sidebar]] too, you can check formatting [http://en.pornopedia.com/w/index.php?title=MediaWiki:Sidebar&action=edit here] Thanks and cheers, --[[Корисник:Till Kraemer|Till Kraemer]] ([[Разговор са корисником:Till Kraemer|разговор]]) 06:50, 21. јун 2014. (CEST) | : I just added [[Медијавики:Common.css]]. If you need anything else, please let me know. I also gave you администратор rights, if that's not okay for you, please let me know. You may want to edit the [[Медијавики:Sidebar|sidebar]] too, you can check formatting [http://en.pornopedia.com/w/index.php?title=MediaWiki:Sidebar&action=edit here] Thanks and cheers, --[[Корисник:Till Kraemer|Till Kraemer]] ([[Разговор са корисником:Till Kraemer|разговор]]) 06:50, 21. јун 2014. (CEST) | ||
::Thank you very much for admin rights, I appreciate it, it's a sign of trust. But now my responsibility is greater. :) If you have any objections on my work, or if I be absent for months, feel free to revoke it. Thank you again! --[[Корисник:Иван|Иван]] ([[Разговор са корисником:Иван|разговор]]) 16:57, 21. јун 2014. (CEST) | ::Thank you very much for admin rights, I appreciate it, it's a sign of trust. But now my responsibility is greater. :) If you have any objections on my work, or if I be absent for months, feel free to revoke it. Thank you again! --[[Корисник:Иван|Иван]] ([[Разговор са корисником:Иван|разговор]]) 16:57, 21. јун 2014. (CEST) | ||
::: You're welcome! :) --[[Корисник:Till Kraemer|Till Kraemer]] ([[Разговор са корисником:Till Kraemer|разговор]]) 11:31, 24. јул 2014. (CEST) | |||
::And, if you might ask, I was born in 1978., one year younger than you. :) --[[Корисник:Иван|Иван]] ([[Разговор са корисником:Иван|разговор]]) 21:13, 21. јун 2014. (CEST) | ::And, if you might ask, I was born in 1978., one year younger than you. :) --[[Корисник:Иван|Иван]] ([[Разговор са корисником:Иван|разговор]]) 21:13, 21. јун 2014. (CEST) | ||
::: Cool! :) --[[Корисник:Till Kraemer|Till Kraemer]] ([[Разговор са корисником:Till Kraemer|разговор]]) 11:31, 24. јул 2014. (CEST) | |||
::A WORD OF PRECAUTION: If you notice that I suddenly stopped activity on Pornopedia, answering e-mail, whatever, it definitely means that I lost my internet connection, who knows for how long. I can't give any warranties on this! --[[Корисник:Иван|Иван]] ([[Разговор са корисником:Иван|разговор]]) 14:56, 22. јун 2014. (CEST) | ::A WORD OF PRECAUTION: If you notice that I suddenly stopped activity on Pornopedia, answering e-mail, whatever, it definitely means that I lost my internet connection, who knows for how long. I can't give any warranties on this! --[[Корисник:Иван|Иван]] ([[Разговор са корисником:Иван|разговор]]) 14:56, 22. јун 2014. (CEST) | ||
::: Okay, thanks for letting me know! :) Cheers, --[[Корисник:Till Kraemer|Till Kraemer]] ([[Разговор са корисником:Till Kraemer|разговор]]) 11:31, 24. јул 2014. (CEST) | |||
== Templates for IMDb, Mediawiki/script errors... == | == Templates for IMDb, Mediawiki/script errors... == | ||
Ред 100: | Ред 113: | ||
Also there are script errors with some other templates. Maybe you need better Mediawiki software on server, with more programming modules enabled, with more support for various stuff? --[[Корисник:Иван|Иван]] ([[Разговор са корисником:Иван|разговор]]) 19:08, 21. јун 2014. (CEST) | Also there are script errors with some other templates. Maybe you need better Mediawiki software on server, with more programming modules enabled, with more support for various stuff? --[[Корисник:Иван|Иван]] ([[Разговор са корисником:Иван|разговор]]) 19:08, 21. јун 2014. (CEST) | ||
: Hi Иван, thanks for letting me know! I think it has something to do with the Wikibase extension (centralized data repository) not working properly on Pornopedia. I already asked for help on the mailing list but I never got an answer. I just asked on the [https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Thread:Project:Support_desk/Wikibase_on_third-party_wikis MediaWiki website] again. Cheers, --[[Корисник:Till Kraemer|Till Kraemer]] ([[Разговор са корисником:Till Kraemer|разговор]]) 11:49, 24. јул 2014. (CEST) | |||
::Can you download full latest version and enable all programming components? Thanks for your effort anyway. --[[Корисник:Иван|Иван]] ([[Разговор са корисником:Иван|разговор]]) 22:03, 24. јул 2014. (CEST) | |||
== Hi-res photos == | |||
I would like to see high-resolution photos of all porn actresses, and plenty of photos. :) --[[Корисник:Иван|Иван]] ([[Разговор са корисником:Иван|разговор]]) 23:21, 23. јун 2014. (CEST) | |||
: Hi Иван, thanks for your suggestion! :) I used to upload smaller pictures to save web space, but I will use the higher resolution versions from now on. Cheers, --[[Корисник:Till Kraemer|Till Kraemer]] ([[Разговор са корисником:Till Kraemer|разговор]]) 12:05, 24. јул 2014. (CEST) | |||
::I prefer only sharp full HD photos and movies… :)) --[[Корисник:Иван|Иван]] ([[Разговор са корисником:Иван|разговор]]) 21:59, 24. јул 2014. (CEST) | |||
== Fixing SR PP and similar stuff == | |||
Currently I spent most of my time in EN PP, and from time to time I go back to SR PP. Till, feel free to fix or add everything you want in SR PP too, like AVS redirects, links to online DVD stores etc. Whatever you want, cheers! --[[Корисник:Иван|Иван]] ([[Разговор са корисником:Иван|разговор]]) 22:28, 2. јул 2014. (CEST) | |||
By fixing I primarily mean removing a lot of red links (not removing actual text, just wiki codes <nowiki>[[</nowiki> and <nowiki>]]</nowiki>). They are leftovers from Wikipedia, and they are not needed here on PP. --[[Корисник:Иван|Иван]] ([[Разговор са корисником:Иван|разговор]]) 19:37, 3. јул 2014. (CEST) |
Тренутна верзија на датум 24. јул 2014. у 21:03
- Здраво. :) --Иван (разговор) 20:08, 10. јун 2014. (CEST)
- Man, I wish I could speak Serbian! Without Google Translate I would be totally lost! :) Cheers,--Till Kraemer (разговор) 10:46, 11. јун 2014. (CEST)
- Yeah, that's true! :) I already know that "И" is "I", "В" is "V", "Н" is "N", "П" is "P", "Р" is "R" and "Д" is "D" :) Thanks and cheers, --Till Kraemer (разговор) 10:19, 12. јун 2014. (CEST)
Serbian translation of pornopedia.com page
In appropriate places enter exactly the following:
German = Немачки
English = Енглески
Spanish = Шпански
French = Француски
Portuguese = Португалски
Polish = Пољски
Swedish = Шведски
Czech = Чешки
Hungarian = Мађарски
Armenian = Јерменски
Dutch = Холандски
Russian = Руски
Italian = Италијански
Serbian = Српски
Your language? = Ваш језик?
Total = Укупно
articles = чланака
Social Networks = „Друштвене” мреже
Pornopedia® is a registered trademark of Till Kraemer. = Порнопедија® је регистровани заштитни знак Тила Кремера.
All rights reserved. = Сва права задржана.
Privacy policy = Политика приватности
About Pornopedia = О Порнопедији
Disclaimers = Одрицање одговорности
Terms of Service = Услови коришћења
What do you say, ha? :) --Иван (разговор) 14:02, 12. јун 2014. (CEST)
- Great! Thank you very much! :) I just registered pornopedia.rs and as soon as it is online, I'll create the page. Have a nice weekend! Cheers, --Till Kraemer (разговор) 13:18, 13. јун 2014. (CEST)
- What do you mean you registered .rs domain? Domains are commercial stuff; except .com you don't need anything else. Serbian translation can go to some other page here. How did you register .rs? --Иван (разговор) 15:15, 13. јун 2014. (CEST)
- Anyway, Till, you are kind person, and have a nice weekend too! :) --Иван (разговор) 17:39, 14. јун 2014. (CEST)
- By the way, on sr.pornopedia.com page, you missed to translate "Social Networks" and to put "Услови коришћења" ("Terms of Service"). Also, can module "Pornopedia:" be translated to "Порнопедија:"? Thanks for all of this :) --Иван (разговор) 07:15, 16. јун 2014. (CEST)
- Thanks! I registered www.pornopedia.rs at ISTanCo and it's online now. It's just a little overview like www.pornopedia.de. A few years ago we decided to collect the ccTLDs like Wikipedia. I changed "Social Networks" and I'm gonna correct the other things probably next week. Cheers, --Till Kraemer (разговор) 09:29, 21. јун 2014. (CEST)
- You know, I wish you saved that 33 dollars. I certainly thank you, but now I feel a bit of guilty... --Иван (разговор) 16:57, 21. јун 2014. (CEST)
- Yeah, there are some errors, I see "мреӂе" instead of "мреже". Also, I translated Terms of Service page (http://sr.pornopedia.com/wiki/Pornopedia:Услови_коришћења) and there should be localized name for Pornopedia (Порнопедија). Cheers. --Иван (разговор) 17:03, 21. јун 2014. (CEST)
- By the way, when you say "we decided", you and who else? :) But still, I don't see you'll gain commercial interest by registering RS domain. Serbia is generally poor country, online shopping is very rare... I have about 35 legal porn DVD releases, but I bought them all on street kiosks, they were cheep. Can you believe it, usual price was about 1 euro! --Иван (разговор) 17:54, 21. јун 2014. (CEST)
- I just checked the HTML source code of pornopedia.rs. For proper Serbian support use this:
- <html lang="sr">
- and instead of <font face="Arial"> use:
- <font face="sans-serif">
- this would be better.
- And links shoud go to translated versions, if they exist (if not, put pages in english here and I'll translate them later). Cheers. --Иван (разговор) 20:38, 21. јун 2014. (CEST)
- Thanks! I registered www.pornopedia.rs at ISTanCo and it's online now. It's just a little overview like www.pornopedia.de. A few years ago we decided to collect the ccTLDs like Wikipedia. I changed "Social Networks" and I'm gonna correct the other things probably next week. Cheers, --Till Kraemer (разговор) 09:29, 21. јун 2014. (CEST)
I need account for Pool, and main page there should be updated. Thanks. :) --Иван (разговор) 19:36, 14. јун 2014. (CEST)
Can you upload here some images from Wikimedia, like these:
--Иван (разговор) 09:58, 16. јун 2014. (CEST)
- I created your account and added sr.pornopedia.com to the main page. I'm gonna ask the authors of the files if it's okay when their work appears on an erotic website. Thanks and cheers, --Till Kraemer (разговор) 08:00, 21. јун 2014. (CEST)
Serbian logo
I created an article about Pornopedia and I need Serbian version of logo for template. --Иван (разговор) 07:07, 16. јун 2014. (CEST)
- Thanks for the article! I added the logo. Cheers, --Till Kraemer (разговор) 07:42, 21. јун 2014. (CEST)
- Thanks, I saw it on Pool too. :) I also made an article on SR Wiki (http://sr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Порнопедија) but logo is not available on Wikimedia Commons, only on EN Wiki repository. --Иван (разговор) 16:57, 21. јун 2014. (CEST)
- Hi Иван, thanks a lot for creating the Pornopedia article on Serbian Wikipedia! It's really cool, that the Pornopedia article is available in 9 languages already. Maybe we can upload this logo to the Serbian Wikipedia? Thanks and cheers, --Till Kraemer (разговор) 11:28, 24. јул 2014. (CEST)
Is everything all right?
Till, how are you? You have not answered some of my questions. :) Is everything all right? Have you moved to new apartment? Is your financial situation all right? Are you married? Are you going to be? Sorry for asking too many questions, I'm just curious. :) --Иван (разговор) 16:55, 18. јун 2014. (CEST)
- Hi Иван, I'm so sorry I didn't reply to you earlier. I'll be moving to my new apartment on Tuesday and there is still so much stuff to take care of. Thanks for your patience and cheers, --Till Kraemer (разговор) 07:40, 21. јун 2014. (CEST)
- Hi Иван, I was living with my ex-girlfriend and I moved to a smaller apartment where I used to live before I moved in with my ex-girlfriend. Cheers, --Till Kraemer (разговор) 11:23, 24. јул 2014. (CEST)
CSS styles, admin rights
Some templates call CSS styles, so CSS files for DE and EN Pornopedia should be transferred here as well. Thanks. :) --Иван (разговор) 00:23, 19. јун 2014. (CEST)
- I just added Медијавики:Common.css. If you need anything else, please let me know. I also gave you администратор rights, if that's not okay for you, please let me know. You may want to edit the sidebar too, you can check formatting here Thanks and cheers, --Till Kraemer (разговор) 06:50, 21. јун 2014. (CEST)
- You're welcome! :) --Till Kraemer (разговор) 11:31, 24. јул 2014. (CEST)
- Cool! :) --Till Kraemer (разговор) 11:31, 24. јул 2014. (CEST)
- Okay, thanks for letting me know! :) Cheers, --Till Kraemer (разговор) 11:31, 24. јул 2014. (CEST)
Templates for IMDb, Mediawiki/script errors...
I noticed you need templates like IMDb name, IMDb title which will take visitor to appropriate page there. It currently doesn't work on EN and SR Pornopedia. There are some #invoke errors...
Also there are script errors with some other templates. Maybe you need better Mediawiki software on server, with more programming modules enabled, with more support for various stuff? --Иван (разговор) 19:08, 21. јун 2014. (CEST)
- Hi Иван, thanks for letting me know! I think it has something to do with the Wikibase extension (centralized data repository) not working properly on Pornopedia. I already asked for help on the mailing list but I never got an answer. I just asked on the MediaWiki website again. Cheers, --Till Kraemer (разговор) 11:49, 24. јул 2014. (CEST)
Hi-res photos
I would like to see high-resolution photos of all porn actresses, and plenty of photos. :) --Иван (разговор) 23:21, 23. јун 2014. (CEST)
- Hi Иван, thanks for your suggestion! :) I used to upload smaller pictures to save web space, but I will use the higher resolution versions from now on. Cheers, --Till Kraemer (разговор) 12:05, 24. јул 2014. (CEST)
Fixing SR PP and similar stuff
Currently I spent most of my time in EN PP, and from time to time I go back to SR PP. Till, feel free to fix or add everything you want in SR PP too, like AVS redirects, links to online DVD stores etc. Whatever you want, cheers! --Иван (разговор) 22:28, 2. јул 2014. (CEST)
By fixing I primarily mean removing a lot of red links (not removing actual text, just wiki codes [[ and ]]). They are leftovers from Wikipedia, and they are not needed here on PP. --Иван (разговор) 19:37, 3. јул 2014. (CEST)