Razgovor s korisnikom:Till Kraemer

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Izvor: Pornopedia
Datum izmene: 18. jun 2014. u 23:23; autor: Иван (razgovor | doprinosi) (→‎CSS styles: нови одељак)


Zdravo. :) --Ivan (razgovor) 20:08, 10. jun 2014. (CEST)
Man, I wish I could speak Serbian! Without Google Translate I would be totally lost! :) Cheers,--Till Kraemer (razgovor) 10:46, 11. jun 2014. (CEST)
He he, at least you will learn some Cyrillic writing here. :) --Ivan (razgovor) 16:58, 11. jun 2014. (CEST)
Yeah, that's true! :) I already know that "I" is "I", "V" is "V", "N" is "N", "P" is "P", "R" is "R" and "D" is "D" :) Thanks and cheers, --Till Kraemer (razgovor) 10:19, 12. jun 2014. (CEST)

Serbian translation of pornopedia.com page

In appropriate places enter exactly the following:

German = Nemački
English = Engleski
Spanish = Španski
French = Francuski
Portuguese = Portugalski
Polish = Poljski
Swedish = Švedski
Czech = Češki
Hungarian = Mađarski
Armenian = Jermenski
Dutch = Holandski
Russian = Ruski
Italian = Italijanski
Serbian = Srpski

Your language? = Vaš jezik?

Total = Ukupno
articles = članaka

Social Networks = „Društvene” mreže

Pornopedia® is a registered trademark of Till Kraemer. = Pornopedija® je registrovani zaštitni znak Tila Kremera.
All rights reserved. = Sva prava zadržana.
Privacy policy = Politika privatnosti
About Pornopedia = O Pornopediji
Disclaimers = Odricanje odgovornosti
Terms of Service = Uslovi korišćenja

What do you say, ha? :) --Ivan (razgovor) 14:02, 12. jun 2014. (CEST)

Great! Thank you very much! :) I just registered pornopedia.rs and as soon as it is online, I'll create the page. Have a nice weekend! Cheers, --Till Kraemer (razgovor) 13:18, 13. jun 2014. (CEST)
What do you mean you registered .rs domain? Domains are commercial stuff; except .com you don't need anything else. Serbian translation can go to some other page here. How did you register .rs? --Ivan (razgovor) 15:15, 13. jun 2014. (CEST)
Anyway, Till, you are kind person, and have a nice weekend too! :) --Ivan (razgovor) 17:39, 14. jun 2014. (CEST)
By the way, on sr.pornopedia.com page, you missed to translate "Social Networks" and to put "Uslovi korišćenja" ("Terms of Service"). Also, can module "Pornopedia:" be translated to "Pornopedija:"? Thanks for all of this :) --Ivan (razgovor) 07:15, 16. jun 2014. (CEST)


I need account for Pool, and main page there should be updated. Thanks. :) --Ivan (razgovor) 19:36, 14. jun 2014. (CEST)

Can you upload here some images from Wikimedia, like these:
--Ivan (razgovor) 09:58, 16. jun 2014. (CEST)

I created an article about Pornopedia and I need Serbian version of logo for template. --Ivan (razgovor) 07:07, 16. jun 2014. (CEST)

Is everything all right?

Till, how are you? You have not answered some of my questions. :) Is everything all right? Have you moved to new apartment? Is your financial situation all right? Are you married? Are you going to be? Sorry for asking too many questions, I'm just curious. :) --Ivan (razgovor) 16:55, 18. jun 2014. (CEST)

CSS styles

Some templates call CSS styles, so CSS files for DE and EN Pornopedia should be transferred here as well. Thanks. :) --Ivan (razgovor) 00:23, 19. jun 2014. (CEST)