Šablon:MyDirtyHobby 2

Izvor: Pornopedia
Datum izmene: 11. jun 2014. u 01:27; autor: Иван (razgovor | doprinosi) (Нова страница: [http://in.mydirtyhobby.com/track/ZDwSAGAU/?ac=profil&u_id={{{1|{{{ID}}}}}} <span title="{{{2|{{{NAME|{{PAGENAME}}}}}}}} at MyDirtyHobby">{{{2|{{{NAME|{{PAGENAME}}}}}}}…)
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MyDirtyHobby 2 at MyDirtyHobby This template is used to create a link to the MyDirtyHobby profiles.

Use it like this:

{{MyDirtyHobby 2|X}}

X: Number of the person to link to, for example 1234567.