Razgovor s korisnikom:Till Kraemer

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Izvor: Pornopedia


Zdravo. :) --Ivan (razgovor) 20:08, 10. jun 2014. (CEST)
Man, I wish I could speak Serbian! Without Google Translate I would be totally lost! :) Cheers,--Till Kraemer (razgovor) 10:46, 11. jun 2014. (CEST)
He he, at least you will learn some Cyrillic writing here. :) --Ivan (razgovor) 16:58, 11. jun 2014. (CEST)
Yeah, that's true! :) I already know that "I" is "I", "V" is "V", "N" is "N", "P" is "P", "R" is "R" and "D" is "D" :) Thanks and cheers, --Till Kraemer (razgovor) 10:19, 12. jun 2014. (CEST)

Serbian translation of pornopedia.com page

In appropriate places enter exactly the following:

German = Nemački
English = Engleski
Spanish = Španski
French = Francuski
Portuguese = Portugalski
Polish = Poljski
Swedish = Švedski
Czech = Češki
Hungarian = Mađarski
Armenian = Jermenski
Dutch = Holandski
Russian = Ruski
Italian = Italijanski
Serbian = Srpski

Your language? = Vaš jezik?

Total = Ukupno
articles = članaka

Social Networks = „Društvene” mreže

Pornopedia® is a registered trademark of Till Kraemer. = Pornopedija® je registrovani zaštitni znak Tila Kremera.
All rights reserved. = Sva prava zadržana.
Privacy policy = Politika privatnosti
About Pornopedia = O Pornopediji
Disclaimers = Odricanje odgovornosti
Terms of Service = Uslovi korišćenja

What do you say, ha? :) --Ivan (razgovor) 14:02, 12. jun 2014. (CEST)

Great! Thank you very much! :) I just registered pornopedia.rs and as soon as it is online, I'll create the page. Have a nice weekend! Cheers, --Till Kraemer (razgovor) 13:18, 13. jun 2014. (CEST)
What do you mean you registered .rs domain? Domains are commercial stuff; except .com you don't need anything else. Serbian translation can go to some other page here. How did you register .rs? --Ivan (razgovor) 15:15, 13. jun 2014. (CEST)