Šablon:DVD (actor) 2

Izvor: Pornopedia
Datum izmene: 16. jun 2014. u 03:17; autor: Иван (razgovor | doprinosi)

This template is used to make links to several DVD online shops.

Use it like this:

{{DVD (actor) 2|Name=XYZ|Orgazmik=1|Sexy Cora Shop=2|Xjuggler=3}}

Name: Name of the actor. If the name equals the article name (which is usually the case), leave it blank since the name will be filled in automatically.

Orgazmik: Name of the actor with + instead of spaces, for example Jenna Jameson: Jenna+Jameson.

Sexy Cora Shop: Name of the actor with + instead of spaces, for example Jenna Jameson: Jenna+Jameson.